Charities & not for profit sector
The Irish Charitable sector combines over 18,500 not-for-profit organisations and has undergone significant change in recent years, with an increased burden of regulation and reporting.
Charities & Not For Profit Group
We advise many charitable, voluntary and not-for-profit organisations on the wide range of issues affecting their work. We are experienced in the full spectrum of the charitable sector, providing services to diverse organisations including educational, poverty relief agencies, health and grant-making charities and a number of disability organisations.
Our team provides practical and cost effective advice and our work touches on most aspects of life in the charities sector, from day-to-day legal problems to strategic and governance issues. As a full service firm, we place particular emphasis on drawing in appropriate expertise from our various practice areas in order to provide a comprehensive service to our charitable clients dealing with all their legal requirements.
We work with a range of clients from the major charitable organisations operating in Ireland including:
- Barnardos
- Extern
- Foróige - the National Youth Development Council
- Katherine Howard Foundation
- Our Lady's Hospice
- Special Olympics Ireland
- Smyly Trust Services
- The Retirement Planning Council of Ireland
Our services
- Appropriate legal structures, both incorporated and unincorporated
- Registration and advice on charitable status
- Constitution reviews, reorganisations and cy-près schemes
- Governance, management and accountability
- Tax exemptions and donor incentive schemes
- Regulatory issues
- Powers and duties of trustees
- Registering and regulating fundraising activities
- Data protection issues
- Employment
- Donations
- Public and EU funding
- The Charities Regulatory Authority